
"Hula is the heartbeat of Hawaii".

For centuries the Hawaiians have been handing down
Their myths and legends through hula dances.
You danced in nature in sacred places for your ancestors
and thus kept the connection to your ancestors and the culture.

Every Monday (except Bavarian school vacations) Margarete Bundschu teaches in the
Institute Hawaii, Munich Gräfelfing from 18:30 – 20:30 h
Trial lesson by appointment

Harmony, beauty and grace

Dance together with her daughter

Refinement, grace and grace

Nowadays there are two different styles.

Hula Kahiko

is the traditional dance of Hawai’i. He will be accompanied live by the ipu (Hawaiian drum) and Hawaiian chants. Certain basic steps follow the rhythm of the music and the singing, with the arms and the upper body a story is told. This allows the dancers to immerse themselves in the culture, myths and legends and learn about the history of Hawaii in a whole new way.

Hula 'auana

is the dance of today. These are joyful, beautiful dances accompanied by live ukulele (Hawaiian guitar) and vocals. They also tell stories, often about lovers, special places in nature and interpersonal encounters.

Hula is
Joy of life – movement – community – dance – permeability – traditional knowledge – mobility – rhythm – Alohaspirit.

It promotes the desire to move, harmonizes and activates the life energy.

Margarete started hula dance in 1995

My main teachers in hula were Uncle George Naope

and is Puna Kalama Dawson

Hula impressions